Food, plants and dogs
This is what my week has mainly been about, how about yours, if you would have to describe it in 3 words?
Hey you <3
I’m going to keep this newsletter short and sweet. I noticed I tend to write quite long texts and I don’t want to take up too much of your time so today and hopefully from now on, I’m going to aim at keeping my newsletters shorter and sweeter :) Below is a pic of my Ruby baby to brighten up your day.
How has your week been? Did you do anything fun? Did you do something you are proud of? Did you make any progress in forming some new lasting habits? My answers would be the following:
1. It was fun eating and spending time with my staff and friends on different occasions this week. I also had a lot of fun planning new exciting changes for The Pink House (My Airbnb homestay - you can check it out by clicking on this: The Pink House - Private Villa and Tropical Garden
Something I am proud of is that even though I had a challenging day this week, I managed to pull myself together and keep going.
I’ve made amazing progress with reading every day. Yesterday in “Becoming Supernatural” I read about this heart meditation which I tried out and have to say - blew my mind. I really felt the effects of it. It is truly beautiful to have the chance to learn daily about something that we know that we can apply to our lives to help us become better versions of ourselves, so excited about this book.
By the way, I hope my newsletter last week was not too depressing? This week I’m not going to share about my challenges as I think I shared quite a lot last week, instead I will share my highlights and share with you the thoughts that have been running through my mind this week.
I must mention that something super exciting and big happened this week that I am not yet going to share but I promise that you sweet readers will be the first ones to know, before I talk about it on any social media platform. Meanwhile, please find my Choco baby’s cutest sleeping face below.
So yes, highlights of the week have basically been taking Azita to the vet ( I know sounds crazy, but bare with me) planting plants and flowers in my tropical garden and eating so much damn tasty food.
So yes, why it was such a highlight taking Azita to the vet is that I had been fearing this check up for maybe one year, waiting for all my babies to be healthy and fine to be able to handle the shock of if something was wrong with her (no symptoms but she is just old (around 9 maybe, most of her teeth missing) and had cancer twice which we treated). shes very very near and dear to me and sleep in my arms every night.
She only has one eye and when she looks up at me with that one eye my heart melts every time. Anyways, when the doctor took a scan and checked her heart, kidneys, liver, other organs and told me she is perfectly FINE and HEALTHY, I could not believe it, I felt so very grateful and relieved. Honestly that was the best moment of my week and entire January in fact! Below is a pic of Azita when we were waiting for the doctor to call us in.
Another highlight of my week has been purchasing and planting some beautiful colorful plants and flowers in my garden and just organizing and cleaning up the place. I am by no means a gardener but it feels so peaceful to just be out there in the hot sun with the new plants. We got as many plants as we could fit in the car (my staff and the driver thought I was going too crazy with the amount of plants but somehow we managed to get ourselves and the plants all in the car without anyone getting hurt :D ) below is some pics from the garden. It is not yet “ready” but in the process of becoming an even more beautiful and colorful space. A creation I am so very proud of.
And the final highlight has been like mentioned, eating nice food. Below is a pic of some of the sweet company and dishes I had.
No wait, the final highlight of the week was meeting my beloved street dog Yamini in Mahabalipuram after a long time. I love her so much. See her cute face below.
And also, seeing my Choco receiving love from a few lovely humans melted my heart, so that’s another highlight for sure (see below).
So as I promised to keep it short and sweet, that’s almost it for this week. I just want to add that I’ve been thinking a lot about childhood trauma this week, the limiting belief systems that we have that affect what we think we are capable of and how we show up in the world. I’ve also been thinking about feminine and masculine energy and how I have been out of balance with my feminine energy. If you want to learn more about this topic, here is an interesting video to watch: Step Into Your Feminine Energy. I think these topics are fascinating and the more we dare to reflect on our past in order to learn and understand where certain thought patterns and behaviors come from, the better chances we have of healing and becoming more balanced beings :)
I would like to leave you with a reflection and question: What is one negative thing that you have always thought about yourself, it could be something you think you are or identify with, or that you lack or that you are not good at etc. Can you think of one such thing and how it has impacted your life until today, the choices that you make and the belief system you have created around it. Where does it come from?
Have a beautiful week ahead, let's smash the coming week with intention and calmness in everything we do.
Yours truly,
Hi ♥️Thanks for all this positivity ♥️love and sweetness. The 3 things for me was dog food and grandchild, my grandchild has CP I love to spend time with her and because of her handicap, I get very close to her,we do everything together and I love her dearly. Your pictures made me so much happy in my heart, Chocos pic I must screen shot,and look at him again and again, I think he is sooooo beautiful. Sending 1000 hugs and can’t wait to hear about your little secret ♥️~Camilla ♥️